Sunday, February 10, 2008

Welland Humane Society to Serve Up Dead Animals for Charity

On Saturday, February 16th, 2008, the Welland & District Humane Society (WDHS) will be holding their "For the Love of Animals" Valentine Dinner & Dance to raise money to help the animals at their shelter.

Unfortunately, the WDHS does not extend their compassion to all animals, as they will be serving, among other dishes, Sirloin beef and stuffed chicken.

While the organization claims to "... speak for those who cannot speak for themselves," this apparently doesn't include cows or chickens.

It seems that the Welland Humane Society only cares about certain animals (cats and dogs), otherwise they wouldn't be cooking up and eating other ones.

How You Can Help

Please call, write or email the Welland & District Humane Society and urge them to consider all animals when fundraising. Suggest that they serve vegetarian and/or vegan meals to reduce the suffering that farmed animals endure.

The Welland & District Humane Society
60 Provincial Street
Welland , ON
L3B 5W7
Phone: (905) 735-1552
Fax: (905) 735-7414

You can also write to your local newspaper so the public is aware of the shelter's 'double standard' when it comes to protecting animals.

Niagara This Week:

The Welland Tribune:

If you'd like, send a copy of your letter to us in the comments section below.



Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be appropriate to serve a vegetarian or vegan meal at your upcoming "For The Love Of Animals" fundraiser? Your chosen title for this event sounds like a cook book. Yes folks, there is room for every one of God's creatures, right beside the mashed potatoes and peas. Please reconsider your choice of food for your fundraiser. After all, your name says it all......Humane Society. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this!

I took your suggestion and sent messages to the Humane Society from their website and emailed the editor of Niagara This Week.

My letter to the editor is below:

For The Love Of Animals?

I recently learned that the Welland & District Humane Society is holding a dinner and dance, called "For The Love Of Animals", to raise funds to help renovate their cat facility.

While I certainly commend the organization for the important work they do to help many animals in the community, considering the role of the Humane Society and their work to protect and care for animals, I was disappointed to learn that there will be animals on the dinner menu for the event.

The centre's website states: "We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves", and Webster's dictionary defines the word humane as: marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals. Why is it that the Humane Society's compassion, sympathy and consideration only extends to those animals we call pets? Why aren't they speaking for the animals who are raised on factory farms and are killed by the billions to become "food"? Isn't it time that we all stop and think about the double standard we live with every day? We love our companion animals, we love to teach our children about animals, and we write countless books and movies about animals, but we completely detach ourselves when we pick up a fork.

I had occasion to attend another fundraising event in Welland in 2007, the "Party For The Paws", organized by Niagara Action For Animals. On the buffet table, there was a sign that stated "Out of respect for all animals, no animals or animal by-products were used to prepare this meal". While it's likely that not many attending the event were vegetarian, I know that the food was enjoyed by all. Perhaps the Welland & District Humane Society--and other organizations--will take this into consideration for future events and become a better example of what it truly means to be 'humane'.